Thursday, September 23, 2021

REVIEW: Sex, Lies and Online Dating by Rachel Gibson

Title: Sex, Lies, and Online Dating (Writer Friends #1)
Author: Rachel Gibson
Publisher: Avon
Publication Date: January 2006
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Buy The Book: Amazon | BN | Audible

Description: SEX...

What is it about men anyway? Bad cars, bad jobs, even bad teeth -- nothing convinces them that they can't snare a Size Two Babe with a D-cup chest. And after way too many internet dates with men named "luvstick" and "bigdaddy182," Lucy Rothschild should know.


But sitting across from her now is "hardluvnman," and he seems different -- sensitive, honest, and hot! He says he's a plumber, while Lucy claims she's a nurse! She's really a mystery writer, dating online while researching her next book. Hey, everyone lies a little, don't they?


But Quinn's really an undercover cop hunting down a serial killer, and he sees Lucy as his top suspect. And while he could really go for this smart, sexy woman with the killer bod -- if that's the only thing "killer" about her -- he knows he needs to wine and dine her and discover the truth. Hey, he realizes the dating scene can be deadly -- but this is ridiculous!

My Thoughts: A fun read featuring an author who begins online dating to research characters she can kill off in her next book and the police detective who goes online to find a killer. Instant chemistry and sexual tension build for both Lucy and Quinn when they meet, she thinks he’s a widowed plumber and he already knows she’s not a nurse. He thinks she’s the “breathless” killer he’s hunting.

I had to suspend disbelief a tad that Quinn would allow Lucy into his home and do the no pants dance with her, believing she is a serial killer. Come on dude, you’re not thinking with the correct head here. Despite that, I really liked these characters and thought they were perfect for one another. I especially liked that Quinn has a soft side when it comes to Lucy and the care he shows her when she starts receiving letters from the real killer was heartwarming.

My Final Verdict: This book was enjoyable for both the mystery and the romance aspects, and I recommend it to readers who are looking for danger and fun in their reading and like books that allow them to live vicariously through the characters.

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I am not a professional reviewer, but I love to read and share my opinions on my reading with others who are interested. I work full time but my ideal perfect day would be to curl up with a good book. The majority of the books I review here are from my private collection and my reviews are provided purely for entertainment purposes. I receive no compensation whatsoever for sharing my thoughts and review on any book. If you would like me to review your book, please email me at Happy Reading! :o)