Saturday, May 25, 2024

REVIEW: Break-Up Club by Lorelei Mathias

Title: Break-Up Club
Author: Lorelei Mathias
Publisher: Harper Collins UK, Avon
Publication Date: May 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance / New Adult / Women’s Fiction
Buy The Book: Amazon | BN


Holly Braithwaite and loveable loser Lawrence have been together for five years. But the obvious cracks in their relationship can no longer be ignored and Holly soon finds herself saying ‘it’s not me, it’s you.’

In the shock aftermath of their break-up, Holly finds unlikely companions in Olivia, Harry and Bella. Together, they form the Break-Up Club, as they support each other through their mutual melancholy and find ways to love, laugh and function as human beings again.

My Thoughts: Break-Up Club by new to me author Lorelei Mathias offers up a contemporary and fun premise of friends bonding together over their heartbreak and re-entry to the single’s world, but the story failed to deliver the cheeky, fun and commiseration I was expecting. Parts of the story dragged and felt as though it had stalled and came to a complete stop. I liked the characters and kept reading hoping something big was getting ready to happen, but it just never seemed to materialize.

Olivia and Holly reunite many years after college to the news that Olivia has ended her long-term relationship and moved back to London. Nearly overnight on the heels of Olivia’s return, Bella is dumped by her boyfriend and then Holly ends her relationship and Harry catches his fiancĂ©e in flagrante delicto. The phrase misery loves company kept coming to mind as it seems these four mates do a continuous spiral over their lost relationships.

I liked the idea of a club where members can help the newly single navigate their way through all the stages of grief and find themselves on the other end, but none of the four really had a clue what they were doing and just basically winging it. There were some cute moments that made me smile but I honestly was disappointed that there weren’t more laugh out loud guffaws.

My Final Verdict: Overall, breaking up is a common and normal phase of relationships and come with varying degrees of the feels. I would have enjoyed this story more if there had been more forward progression of the story and growth in the characters instead of the sense of the same situations on indefinite repeat.

Thank you to the publisher, Harper Collins UK, Avon, who provided an advance reader copy via NetGalley.

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I am not a professional reviewer, but I love to read and share my opinions on my reading with others who are interested. I work full time but my ideal perfect day would be to curl up with a good book. The majority of the books I review here are from my private collection and my reviews are provided purely for entertainment purposes. I receive no compensation whatsoever for sharing my thoughts and review on any book. If you would like me to review your book, please email me at Happy Reading! :o)