Thursday, September 05, 2024

REVIEW: Bride for a Time by Audrey Adair

Title: Bride for a Time (Love for All Times #1)
Author: Audrey Adair
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: July 2017
Genre: Time Travel Romance

Description: Jaime Abernathy's life has been turned upside-down -- she no longer has a boyfriend, a job, or a place to live, but has a yearning for something that she can't quite place. She decides to follow her heart to Scotland, the home of her ancestors. Her parents have passed, and she feels called to the place of her roots. Her first morning there, while out walking in the woods of her ancestral family home, she falls and awakens in the 16th Century, in the arms of Alec McDermont.

Alec is soon to be Laird of the McDermonts. He is to be married to the wretched Alexandra Gillie of a warring clan in the pretense of creating peace, but he senses something treacherous. He'll do anything to keep the marriage from happening, and when he finds Jaime in the woods, he senses a way out.

Jaime doesn't believe she's in the 16th century. Alec doesn't believe she's time traveled. But their feelings for each other pull them closer together as everything else is tearing them apart. Will they find happily ever after?

My Thoughts: Ever since my cousin pointed me in the direction of time travel romances over thirty years ago, I have been a die-hard fan and will rarely turn down the opportunity to read one. Unfortunately, the market is flooded with this genre and there are definitely some that fail to deliver enough unique elements that the reader can suspend disbelief. This story is a short and quick read and though it didn’t deliver all of the exciting elements I have come to look for in a time travel story, it was enjoyable.

I liked Jaime and Alec individually, but I didn’t feel the chemistry for them as a couple. Perhaps if the story had been longer, more time could have been devoted to building their connection into something more believable. It didn’t feel right to me that these two meet, dismiss the idea that they come from different centuries, sleep together and then get married. Even if Jaime could return to her time and the marriage to Alec wouldn’t be legal, it just didn’t ring true or logical for me. I also wish there had been more detail regarding the tension between Alec’s family and the Gillie clan. Unfortunately, this part felt rushed.

I enjoyed that the story is set in Crieff, Scotland, which is a real town in Perthshire. I wasn’t there in the sixteenth century, but present day Crieff is quite charming and I enjoyed the time I spent there.

My Final Verdict: Overall, fans of time travel romances will likely enjoy this offering of time travel, but there are so many more options out there that will offer more depth, plot and character development. This story is part of a series but I will not be pursuing it.

Thank you to the author, Audrey Adair, for the invitation to read and review.

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I am not a professional reviewer, but I love to read and share my opinions on my reading with others who are interested. I work full time but my ideal perfect day would be to curl up with a good book. The majority of the books I review here are from my private collection and my reviews are provided purely for entertainment purposes. I receive no compensation whatsoever for sharing my thoughts and review on any book. If you would like me to review your book, please email me at Happy Reading! :o)