Thursday, May 02, 2019

REVIEW: Troubled Spirits by Elizabeth Delisi

Title: Troubled Spirits
Author: Elizabeth Delisi
Publisher: Amber Quill Press, LLC
Publication Date: August 2015
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Description: When widow Laura St. Clair loses her eight-year-old son to a rare disease, she’s lost everything and has no desire to live without him. Desperate, she tries to reach the spirit of her son with a Ouija board she finds in his room amongst his favorite toys.

Laura is stunned when she actually makes contact with something. But what is it...a friendly spirit, or an evil one? Can the mysterious entity truly bring her news of her son? And if so, what will it expect from her in return?

My Thoughts: This book wasn’t what I was expecting. I was expecting a romance, but there really isn’t one. The main character is grieving the loss of her little boy when she discovers a Ouija board in her son’s room. For obvious reasons, I would have run from the room after smashing the thing to smithereens, but Laura doesn’t. Instead, she starts using it and very quickly makes contact with someone. The problem is Laura has no idea if the soul she is communicating with is benevolent or malevolent. If it were me, we would never find out because no good has come from messing around with items of supernatural power. Go watch The Exorcist, Jumanji, Hocus Pocus or The Mummy. Fortunately for Laura, what she discovers changes her life completely.

My Final Verdict: This was a short and very quick read and I found the story to be OK. The story held my interest and I liked the characters, though I had major concerns about Laura playing with a Ouija board.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of Troubled Spirits from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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I am not a professional reviewer, but I love to read and share my opinions on my reading with others who are interested. I work full time but my ideal perfect day would be to curl up with a good book. The majority of the books I review here are from my private collection and my reviews are provided purely for entertainment purposes. I receive no compensation whatsoever for sharing my thoughts and review on any book. If you would like me to review your book, please email me at Happy Reading! :o)